Sabtu, 24 September 2016

My Favorite selfie and why?

 Hello guys this is 5/7, actually I get task from my teacher to make a blog about “My Favorite Selfie and why?”Oke I will introduce my best friends,first from left he is Lambang and than Devira,Rina (it’s me),Mba put (actually we always call her mba put because she is older), and than the last is Ricky.

Oke why I said 5/7? because we just five, and Ala’ is can’t coming with us because her father don’t let her go with us because is danger to trip with frinds without on old fellow. And one more he is Ayub , he is come with us but  you know HE..HE..HE...
He with her girlfriend and forget to have a good time with us so, we just take five of foto or people said grufie. We take a foto at Mimiland beach,Singkawang West Borneo.

Okay I will tell you why we want to vacation together......
Starting at the time when we enter the third grade of senior high school, we always looking for how we can having fun together because we always busy to prepare National exam and everyday we always study,study,study,and study again so we want to relax without study everyday so...

This is my First VACATION together with my Best Friends outside of Pontianak city with car rent and without we parent and we feel have a good time of all day.

Thankyou to read my Blog

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